DKG Insurance Brokers | Insurance Professionals
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Image of Luke Kelly, Managing Director, DKG Insurance Brokers
Luke Kelly
Managing Director
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Luke has been a Director of DKG Insurance Brokers since 2017. Previously, he was General Manager of Operations for nine years, focusing on technology and finance. Luke has a Diploma of Insurance Broking from the Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF).
Image of Robert Kelly Jr, Director, DKG Insurance Brokers
Robert Kelly Jnr
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Rob has been a Director of DKG Insurance Brokers since 2017. Previously, he spent 15 years working across general insurance broking, work health and safety, motor fleet underwriting and claims. Rob was educated at Central Queensland University, University of Newcastle Graduate School and the Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF).
Image of Allan O'Brien, Chief Operating Officer - Claims, DKG Insurance Brokers
Allan O’Brien
Chief Operating Officer
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Allan was appointed General Manager - Claims in 2020 and Chief Operating Officer in 2022. He has over 20 years of experience in the insurance and accident management industries where he held senior management roles. Allan specialises in claims management product development, distribution and corporate strategy.
Image of David Heaume, Chief Underwriting Officer, DKG Insurance Brokers
David Heaume
Chief Underwriting Officer
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David was appointed Chief Underwriting Officer of DKG Insurance Brokers in February 2019. Previously, he spent over 35 years working across DKG’s claims, underwriting and agency. David has 25 years of experience in writing motor-risk policies and brings high-level expertise in underwriting and risk assessment.
Image of Simon Donovan, Executive General Manager - Commercial, DKG Insurance Brokers
Simon Donovan
Executive GM - Commercial
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Simon joined DKG Insurance Brokers in 2019 as General Manager - Sales and Agency and was promoted to Executive General Manager - Commercial in July 2021. Prior to that, his role at NRMA focused on channel sales and telematics. Simon has over 20 years of experience in the car rental industry across operations and sales in multiple capacities and countries. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Wales Institute Cardiff.
Image of Raj Kumar, Executive General Manager, Governance, Risk and Compliance, DKG Insurance Brokers
Raj Kumar
Executive GM - Compliance
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Raj joined the Group in 2020 as Governance, Risk and Compliance Manager and was appointed Executive General Manager in 2021. He is a corporate governance, risk and compliance senior executive, board advisor, qualified GRC professional and certified GRC Auditor with over 12 years of experience. Raj has key experience in advanced risk assessments, regulatory compliance, identity management, quality, and assurance testing, internal audit and AML/CTF reporting across a diverse range of sectors.
Image of Rouen Van Eck, Executive General Manager, Insurance/Risk/Strategy
Rouen Van Eck
Executive GM, Insurance/Risk/Strategy
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Rouen brings over 20 years of insurance industry expertise to DKG Insurance Brokers. Known for driving growth, joint ventures and innovative solutions, he excels in leadership and strategic planning. Previously, he held senior roles at international brokerages. Rouen holds an MBA and diplomas in Financial Services and Insurance Broking.
Image of Tien Phu, Broking Manager, DKG Insurance Brokers
Tien Phu
Executive GM, Broking
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Joining DKG Insurance Brokers in 2023, Tien has over 25 years of insurance experience and specialises in property underwriting, claims management and general broking. She leads the DKG broking team, focusing on exceptional service and customer satisfaction.
Image of Md Mizanur Rahman, Accounts Finance Manager, DKG Insurance Brokers
Md Mizanur Rahman
Accounts Finance Manager
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Rahman was appointed as Accounts Finance Manager of DKG Insurance Brokers in October 2007. He has deep knowledge of broking, underwriting, claims and special focus on accounting, tax and auditing. Rahman holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) from the Central Queensland University.
Image of Mohammad Abdulla AL Mamun, Accounts and Administration Officer, DKG Insurance Brokers
Mohammad Abdulla AL Mamun
Accounts & Administration Officer
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Mamun joined DKG Insurance Brokers in September 2008 as an Accounts and Administration Officer and has become an invaluable team player. He holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) from the Central Queensland University.
Image of Jemena Hill, Team Leader, DKG Insurance Brokers
Jemena Hill
Team Leader
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Jemena joined DKG Insurance Brokers as a Senior Account Executive in May 2020. Shortly after, she was promoted to Team Leader of the broking team. Jemena has over 15 years of broking experience working closely with clients in a range of different industries and not for profits. She holds a Diploma in Insurance Broking (ANZIIF).
Image of Ronan De Guzman, Senior Account Executive, DKG Insurance Brokers
Ronan De Guzman
Senior Account Executive
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Ronan joined DKG in January 2022 as a Senior Account Manager. He started his insurance career with Allianz Australia in 2000, firstly at DirecDial and then as a Senior Motor Claims Technician. Ronan moved into Allianz’s Broker and Agency division as a Service Support Underwriter, where he was eventually enticed into broking in 2006. He has worked for local and international broking houses. Ronan holds a Bachelor of Arts (Industrial and Product Design) from the University of Western Sydney and a Diploma of Financial Services (Insurance Broking).
Image of Christina Brannigan, Regional Strategic Account & Business Development Manager of DKG Insurance Brokers
Christina Brannigan
Regional Strategic Account BDM
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Bringing nearly 20 years of experience in the car rental industry, Christina has successfully managed diverse segments such as travel, corporate, insurance and replacement. Recognised as a Certified Customer Service Professional by the Customer Service Institute of Australia, Christina holds both a Certificate IV in Business and a Certificate IV in Customer Contact.
Image of Victoria Musa, Account Executive, DKG Insurance Brokers
Victoria Musa
Account Executive
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Victoria joined DKG in 2018 as a claims officer. Quickly proving herself as a highly efficient team member, Victoria was promoted to Account Executive that same year. She is qualified RG 146 Tier 1 (ANZIIF).
Image of Rhonadel Crispino, Claims Manager, DKG Insurance Brokers
Rhonadel Crispino
Claims Manager
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Rhoni joined the Group in January 2012 and was appointed as Claims Manager in 2017. She has over 20 years of experience in claims across direct and commercial portfolios. Rhoni holds a Diploma in Financial Services from ANZIIF.
Image of Julie Lam, Claims Officer, DKG Insurance Brokers
Julie Lam
Claims Officer
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Julie joined the Group in 2021 as a Claims Officer. She has a wealth of claims management knowledge having worked in the insurance industry for over 20 years.